We strive to increase the mobility of Ukrainian volunteers, critically important communal services and make humanitarian and other help more accessible to those who need it most.

Greenways Ukraine is a richly functional route for transfer by non-motorized vehicles or in a pedestrian way, which goes along natural corridors, historical trade routes, rivers and abandoned wetlands.

The museum-workshop offers master classes on casting plaster figures, knitting dolls, making candles, soap making, painting porcelain, glass and eco-bags.

A base in the Chernihiv region organized by activists for nature conservation and serving as a shelter for animals.

It took 30 years to collect the exhibits, household musical instruments, ancient Hutsul clothes, money bills of different periods etc., which all together give a general idea of the Hutsuls’ life.


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Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


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