Poland Organizations

PTTK is the largest tourist organisation in Poland. It works for the development of wildlife, sightseeing and cultural tourism. It organises hiking trails, carries out route marking and promotes sustainable tourism development.
[email protected]   +48 22 875 10 00

It is the organisation responsible for promoting tourism in Poland. It supports the sustainable development of tourism, educates tourists on responsible travel and cooperates with local communities to promote local culture and heritage.

[email protected]   +48 22 696 94 00   +48 22 696 94 01

Stowarzyszenie Lubelska Organizacja Turystyczna (LOT)

LOT is an organisation responsible for the promotion of tourism in Lublin and the Lublin region. It works for the development of cultural, natural and active tourism. It organises various events, festivals and promotes sustainable tourism development in the region.

Fundacja Lubelska Organizacja Turystyczna (FLOT)

FLOT is a non-profit organisation that promotes sustainable tourism in Lublin and the region. It works to protect the environment, promote local culture and heritage and support tourism entrepreneurship. It organises workshops, training and events to promote responsible travel.

LROT is the largest tourist organisation in the Lubelskie Voivodeship, with almost 100 members. It promotes the tourist and cultural offer of the Lublin region at home and abroad, cooperating with local authorities, non-governmental organisations and tourism industry entities.

[email protected]   +48 81 532 14 48


More Courses

Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


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