Project Results
  1. The #WAST GUIDE includes the learning topics and material that usually are not provided by Tourism Departments in tertiary education. All Modules are suitable for tourist guides. Modules with the additional palette symbol are also suitable for artists. The MODULES available on website in English:
  • Creating Thematic Tours
  • Alternative & Sustainable tours
  • Accessible Tourism
  • Storytelling & Vocal Pedagogy
  • Gamification in Tourism
  • Approach of the tourist
  • Rhetoric & Public Speaking
  • Marketing Strategies
  1. The digital map is a comprehensive tool for anyone interested in learning about the different towns that are part of the project partners’ network. The map includes the necessary information in exploring the area and its attractions with a focus on sustainability, and is an excellent resource to help promote responsible tourism.
  • Accommodation
  • Activities/Events
  • Gastronomy
  • Transportation
  • Sights
  • Protected areas
  1. #WAST Online Space Community is a networking site that allows guides and visitors to connect each others, including groups of people who share similar interests about alternative and sustainable tourism. Users can share pictures, videos, articles and opinions with their friends.

“Create your own profile as a tourist/professional & join WAST community”

–> All project results are available on our website: WAST 

The 2nd Transnational Project Meeting was held on 9th-10th of February 2023, in Thessaloniki, Greece. During the meeting, partners had the opportunity to see the progress of the project results and decided the next steps. Also, partners discussed about the upcoming activities and the C1 training activity in Turin, Italy, in September 2023.

Upcoming Activities

C1 Training Activity in Turin, Italy.

During September, 15 young people from tourism sector and trainers, from all project countries, will participate in a training activity based on alternative & sustainable tourism.

Also, during this training the participants will have the opportunity to use the project results and take part in non-formal Education activities.


More Courses

Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


Support Young Women and Professionals in the field of Alternative and Sustainable Tourism 

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