Have an alternative tour in Turin

Turin “Hunting for Street Art” Tour

“On the tracks of Turin street art to discover the city and the UN Sustainable Development Goals”

Get inspired by our “Hunting for Street art” tour by exploring Turin’s 17 street art sites dedicated to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Discover the power of urban art as a means of communication and community engagement while pedaling through the city’s streets on a fun day trip.

Day I
Morning: Bike tour in the city

Arriving in Turin by using the  Eco-train Trenitalia Rock from Milan or Asti, arriving at Torino Porta Susa station.

Prepare for the trip by downloading the apps that will assist you throughout the day:

  • If you need an electric bike, download Ridemovi
  • For calculating the fastest and safest cycling route, use Bunet

Hop on your bike and enjoy your tour, pedal slowly, look around, take some photos and be curious

Duration 1.30 (approximately 30 minutes of cycling), and you can find the spots bellow:

    Goal 14 ‘Life below water’ – ‘Life below water’ – Corso Regina Margherita, 140

    Goal 2 ‘No hunger’ – ‘Cultus’ – Via Pietro Egidi, 3

    Goal 17 ‘Partnership for the goals’ – ‘Weaving’ – Corso Giulio Cesare, 20

    Goal 15 ‘Life on land’ – ‘Life on land’ – Corso Palermo 40

    Goal 13 ‘Climate action’ – ‘The ode of collapse’ – Via Parma 24

    Goal 12 ‘Responsible consumption’ – ‘Fade’ – Via Mantova, 29

    Goal 11 ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’ – ‘Cernunnos’ – Along Dora Siena, 50

    Goal 4 ‘Quality education’ – ‘APC’ – Viale Ottavio Mario Mai

    Goal 5 ‘Gender equality’ – ‘Gender equality’ – Corso Belgio, 79

    Goal 1 ‘No poverty’ – ‘No poverty’ – Along Po Antonelli, 115


At Bocciofila Vanchiglietta – Rami Secchi – Lungo Dora Pietro Colletta, 39/a.

Slow Food lunch with typical Turin dishes and revisited vegetarian version.


Hop back on your bike and continue the tour – approximately 2.5 hours (40 minutes of cycling)

    Goal 8 ‘Good Jobs and Economic Growth’ – ‘Flamingo’ – Via Giulia di Barolo, 3a

    Goal 10 ‘Reduced inequalities’ – ‘Amylum’ – Via Giovanni Plana, 10

    Goal 7 ‘Renewable Energy’ – ‘Promise’ – Corso Moncalieri, 45

    Goal 16 ‘Peace and Justice’ – ‘Stop ivory trade!’ – Corso Moncalieri, 61

  Goal 9 ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’ – ‘Industry, innovation and infrastructure’ – Via Nizza, 199

Enjoy a walk in Valentino Park, cycle to the Monumental Fountain of the Twelve Months, and then  visit the Turin Botanical Garden.

Continue with the last two stops of the Hunting for Street Art Tour, whether by bike or on foot.

Goal 6 ‘Clean water and sanitation’ – ‘Clean water’ – Viale Virgilio, 45

Goal 3 ‘Good health’ – ‘Like the most beautiful things’ – Via Claudio Luigi Berthollet, 6


At Tutto fa Brodo – Via San Pio V, 8

A restaurant that declares the ecological footprint of all its dishes.

Return by train Trenitalia Rock to Milan or Asti

If you are interested in Street Art and want to discover more hidden gems of Turin, visit the Streetartcities website.


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