Have an alternative tour in Lublin

„Alternative Lublin in 2 days”

This tour is for people who like physical activity. If you enjoy being surrounded by nature in the middle of a big historical city, use the itinerary “Alternative Lublin in 2 days”.

Day I
Morning: Arrival and a walking tour

You can easily arrive to Lublin by buses or trains. We suggest using a train, e.g. Intercity or Polregio. On the train you have time to admire the various towns and villages along the way. Once you arrive, take a walking tour of Lublin’s Old Town and promenade (castle, historic houses, cathedral, Trinity Tower, Dominican Church, Lithuanian Square).

Lunch: Local and green cuisine in the Old Town

In the Old Town area, there are many local restaurants. Why don’t you try out Zielony Talerzyk or Umea? (check their description on the Map).

Afternoon: Bike trip

Rent a city bike. It’s very easy – you just need to download an application on your phone. Take a bike trip to the Botanical Garden, there you can have a walk and extend the trip to the Open-Air Museum, which is located nearby.

Day II
Morning: Yet another bike trip

In Lublin, we love cycling! Rent a bike and take a bike trip to the Zemborzycki Zalew Lake along the Bystrzyca River. Do you know that you can travel along the Lake through a dedicated bicycle path? You will find a few ice cream parlours and places to buy snacks  or lunch if you get hungry.

Afternoon: Canoeing on the Bystrzyca River

Rent a canoe at the Bystrzyca River and take a canoe trip on the River to the centre of Lublin. Visit  an environmental fair, walk to the Saxon Garden (in the season, Lublin Nature Festival takes place there).

Dinner: Perłowa Pijalnia Piwa

Perłowa Pijalnia Piwa will be the best option after such an active day. You can have dinner and try Lublin’s local beer, Perła.


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Module 5: Gamification in tourism

Gamification is the use of mechanisms, elements and rules known from games (e.g. scoring, rankings, badges, rewards, tasks, challenges, etc.) in situations that are not

Module 3: Accessible tourism

This module aims to raise awareness of the need of accessible tourism, both from the perspective of the tourist and the requirements needed to conduct


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